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Minister, officials discuss elections coverage plans

On Sunday, Minister of Information Abdulrahman Al-Mutairi discussed with the ministry’s officials the progress of the plan to cover the National Assembly elections and facilitate the work of media professionals […]

Humanitarian societies boost Jordan activities

Since the beginning of Ramadan, Kuwait’s charities have augmented humanitarian activities in Jordan to support refugees in the area and contribute to improving their living conditions. In the presence of […]

KRCS distributes iftar meals to Palestinians

Kuwait Red Crescent Society (KRCS) announced on Monday its preliminary action plan for the iftar (breaking fast) project, providing 30,000 warm meals to displaced Palestinians in southern Gaza. The Director […]

Work to begin on first labor city in Kuwait

Kuwait Municipality officially handed over on Monday the site of the first integrated residential city project for low-income workers to the investing company to begin implementation in Subhan, covering an […]