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Kuwait-Egypt summit deepens ties

 The deep-rooted relations between Kuwait and Egypt are an eminent mark of pan-Arab cooperation and a framework of mutual interests bonding the two brotherly peoples. Abdulsadeq Al-Shorbaji, the head of the Egyptian Press Authority, said the state visit by His Highness the Amir Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah and his meeting with President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi would further deepen and strengthen the distinguished relations between the two states, impacting positively on pan-Arab economic interests.

He indicated that the Kuwaiti-Egyptian summit coincides with mounting challenges on the international arena, sending ramifications to all states without exemption; thus, the Arab states, amid this situation, ought to coordinate efforts to address some of these hazardous challenges, namely the war on the Gaza Strip. He lauded the level of Egyptian-Kuwaiti ties in various sectors and expressed satisfaction with the volume of Kuwaiti investments in Egypt, noting the Egyptian press’ major role in cementing further these relations and reacting to bids by “hostile powers” to strain these special relations by disseminating rumors and lies.


Meanwhile, Ahmad Kamal, the board chairman and chief editor of the Middle East News Agency, said in remarks to KUNA that Kuwaiti-Egyptian relations, during the era of President Al-Sisi, have noticeably improved. “Our leadership has been seeking to bolster these relations with solid steps in all sectors,” he affirmed. The leaderships of the two countries have been keenly maintaining coordination, particularly amid the difficult circumstances prevailing across the Arab world, Kamal said, noting the identical views on the necessity of halting the genocide waged by the Zionist occupation since seven months ago in Gaza.

The joint stand is also aimed at halting the Zionist aggression and establishing an independent Palestinian state along the June 4, 1967, borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital. President Al-Sisi has visited Kuwait several times since 2015, the latest of which was on December 17, 2023, during which he congratulated His Highness the Amir Sheikh Mishal on taking office and offered condolences on the demise of the late Amir Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah.


His Highness the Amir had visited Cairo and participated, when he was the Crown Prince and the Deputy Amir, in the “Cairo Peace Summit,” held in October 2023, to discuss the Palestinian cause. The Kuwait-Egypt coordination, moreover, covers Arab issues such as the crises in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen. At the economic level, Kuwaiti investments are robust in many sectors, and the Kuwaiti private sector effectively contributes to developing the Egyptian economy, he said, estimating the Kuwaiti businesses’ value at more than $20 billion.

The Kuwait-Egypt volume of trade in 2020 reached $5 billion; the two countries have been bonded by some 140 treaties; and Kuwait is a third trade partner for Egypt. Furthermore, the number of Kuwaiti students in Egypt has exceeded 30,000. Kuwait backed Egypt in the aftermath of the “June 30 revolution,” and Egypt backed Kuwait in the 1991 liberation and independence.

Jamal Al-Kashki, the Al-Ahram Al-Arabi chief editor, said the visit by His Highness the Amir would affirm the depth of the relations and the harmony of the views with respect to maintaining the Arab nation’s security. The visit coincides with major events in the Arab region, namely the aggression on Gaza and its impact on the Arab countries.