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Kuwait, Turkey reaffirm close ties

HH the Amir Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah arrived on Wednesday, with his accompanying delegation to Kuwait from Turkey after concluding his state visit. “On the basis of the historic bilateral relations bonding the leaderships of the State of Kuwait and the Republic of Turkiye, the two friendly peoples and mutual keenness on part of the political leaderships in the two countries on boosting the friendly relations and the partnership, as well as on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of official relations between the two friendly countries, His Highness the Amir Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah paid a state visit to the Republic on May 7-8,” said a statement issued by Kuwait marking the conclusion of the state visit.

“His Highness the Amir Sheikh Mishal was welcomed as a dear guest of His Excellency President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who was the head of the hosts at Esenboga International Airport in Ankara,” the statement added. Erdogan and HH the Amir held a session of bilateral discussions, followed by another one at the official level grouping delegations from the two sides. The talks were marked with consensus on issues of common concern and the necessity of bolstering bilateral relations in all sectors.

The two sides affirmed their pride in the distinctive ties between the two countries and peoples, and praised the level of commercial and economic relations and cooperation, namely the volume of trade exchange, activities by the Kuwait Public Investments Authority in Turkey and investments by Turkish companies in Kuwait.

They signed, on sidelines of the discussions, a number of significant agreements, memoranda of understanding in the fields of coping with natural catastrophes, free trade zones, housing and infrastructural sectors, in addition to an MoU regarding the strategic ministerial-level dialogue. Moreover, Kuwaiti and Turkish officials signed an executive protocol for defense equipment contracts and an MoU between the Kuwaiti interior ministry and the Turkish catastrophes and emergency authority.

President Erdogan, the statement continued, affirmed support for sovereignty, territorial sanctity and regional security of Kuwait, stressing that contacts between the two countries would closely continue at various levels. He expressed his appreciation of Kuwait’s good efforts and the pioneering role at the regional and international levels as well as its policy aimed at attaining prosperity for peoples.

Regarding regional developments, the two countries expressed concern at conditions in Gaza, the occupied Palestinian territories the crimes committed against Palestinian brothers and the catastrophic conditions in the occupied territories. The two sides expressed concern regarding the tragic conditions in Rafah in southern Gaza, where the residents were threatened to be relocated against their will, affirming the necessity that the international community, namely the UN Security Council, shoulder the responsibility for implementing resolutions that call for an immediate ceasefire, protecting civilians, ensuring delivery of humanitarian aid in the occupied territories and settling the Palestinian cause according to resolutions of the international legitimacy.

Erdogan decorated HH the Amir with the prestigious State Order in appreciation for his major role in boosting the bilateral relations. At the end of the visit, HH the Amir expressed gratitude to Erdogan for the warm hospitality and invited him to visit Kuwait. He also expressed good wishes to the president and the friendly Turkish people. HH the Amir also voiced his deepest gratitude to President Erdogan for awarding him with the Order of State.

The Turkish Presidency said on Tuesday Erdogan and HH the Amir discussed economic and trade relations as well as the Zionist attacks on Gaza. “Comprehensive talks were held on economic and trade relations between Turkiye and Kuwait during the meeting held on the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between the two countries,” the Presidency’s directorate of communications said in a press statement.

It pointed out that the leaders mulled initiatives across a variety of sectors, including the defense sector and the steps necessary to boost bilateral trade to $5 billion. The two leaders underlined the necessity of reviving the joint economic commission mechanism and increasing bilateral trade and investment to benefit both countries. They also discussed future cooperation in the areas of diplomacy, culture, health, tourism and education.

During the meeting, President Erdogan affirmed that Turkey will continue to support Kuwait’s territorial integrity, sovereignty and security and pledged to maintain close ties with Kuwait at all levels. The meeting touched upon the Zionist hostilities against innocent Palestinians in Gaza. “President Erdogan emphasized the significance of Kuwait’s stance against the (Zionist) oppression, stating that it is empowering to the Palestinian cause and that Turkiye has consistently pursued a permanent ceasefire since the beginning of the conflict,” read the statement.

Erdogan stressed the importance of developing cooperation between the Gulf Cooperation Council and the Organization of Turkic States. In this regard, he noted that Kuwait’s support for these efforts is important and will ensure the opening of new windows of opportunity.