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Ordinary Portland Cement


This cement type is the mostly used in construction works. It is used in the concrete mixtures for casting ceilings, walls, concrete columns and floors for buildings and installations. It is also used in the foam concrete mixtures, screed and concrete mortar used in all finishing works such as interior and exterior paint and surveys, and also to fix the cement and lime blocks, kashi and curbstone tiles. It is also used in the manufacture of all types of cement products such as cement pipes, precast (readymade walls), cement and curbstone blocks, all types of tiles and in the manufacture of adhesives materials used in construction.


 Characteristics: It achieves high compression ratio compared to other types of cement, which makes it distinct when used in concrete works in general.


Specifications: It is manufactured in accordance with the Kuwaiti standard specifications KSS 381-383 and the American standard specifications ASTM C 150.


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Ordinary Portland Cement


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Ordinary Portland Cement

Product Name: Ordinary Portland Cement