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Organic rose water flavor pack 12 0.850 د.ك Terms and Conditions -The free percentage is calculated without fractures and always completed to the lower whole number. -Money back guarantee within […]

Rawdatain 1.5L buy 10 Box’s get 2 free

Natural Mineral Water Rawdatain 1.5 LTR The Carton Contain 12 Bottles 10.000 د.ك Terms and Conditions -The free percentage is calculated without fractures and always completed to the lower whole […]

Watani Water 275 ml buy 5 get 1 free

Alkaline Drinking Water Watani 275 ML The Pack Contain 20 Bottles 4.000 د.ك Terms and Conditions -The free percentage is calculated without fractures and always completed to the lower whole […]

ABYAR WATER 200ml buy 5 get 1 free

Pure filtered low sodium bottled water. Abyar 200ml The Pack Contain 20 3.500 د.ك Terms and Conditions -The free percentage is calculated without fractures and always completed to the lower […]

Air-Cooled Chicken

At Intaj, we use air cooling for slaughtered chicken, which makes the chicken tender and juicy while retaining its natural flavour. Air cooling has many advantages over water cooling, one […]