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صنع في الكويت حديد الكويت

Made In Kuwait Gate:


In April 2020, the Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry in the GCC introduced the ‘Made in the GCC’ platform. This initiative is designed to bolster the growth of exports and re-exports across both regional and global markets. It serves as a crucial tool for distributors, representative offices, and sales outlets, enabling them to identify national factories that uphold the highest standards of quality. Additionally, the platform provides detailed reports on supply orders and public and private tenders, along with a comprehensive list of approved suppliers in Kuwait.

Supporting Export Growth

The ‘Made in the GCC’ platform plays a vital role in supporting the export and re-export activities of GCC member states. By facilitating access to new markets, it helps regional businesses expand their reach and competitiveness on a global scale.

Assisting Distributors and Sales Outlets

One of the key features of the platform is its assistance to distributors, representative offices, and sales outlets. It provides them with essential information to identify national factories known for their high-quality production standards, ensuring they source the best products.

Comprehensive Supply Reports

The platform offers extensive reports on supply orders and public and private tenders. This information is invaluable for businesses looking to stay informed about procurement opportunities and the latest market demands.

Approved Suppliers in Kuwait

A standout feature of the ‘Made in the GCC’ platform is its detailed list of approved suppliers in Kuwait. This list helps businesses quickly find reliable suppliers, streamlining their procurement process and enhancing efficiency.


The ‘Made in the GCC’ platform, launched by the Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry in the GCC, is a significant step towards strengthening regional and global trade. By providing crucial support to distributors and sales outlets, and offering detailed supply and tender reports, the platform ensures that GCC businesses have the resources they need to thrive in competitive markets.

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The National and regional platform to promote national products in Kuwait and GCC