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Arab Bureau of Education honors 18 schools

The Arab Bureau of Education for the Gulf countries, in its second session on Monday, honored 18 schools that won the School Excellence Award for the public and private sectors […]

KRCS delivers flour shipment to Gaza

The WAFA Foundation for Development in Palestine announced the arrival of the first relief aid shipment, carrying 500 bags of flour to Gaza’s northern regions, with support from the Kuwait […]

GCC, Central Asia strengthen ties

Secretary General of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), Jasem Al-Budaiwi, said Monday that the second ministerial meeting of the strategic dialogue between the GCC and Central Asian countries aims to […]

Kuwait, UAE discuss security ties

 Interior Ministry Undersecretary Lt Gen Sheikh Salem Al-Nawaf Al-Sabah held talks on Monday in his office with a security delegation from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) concerning cooperation in the […]