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Salem Al-Sabah Informatics Award winners lauded event’s contributions to digital domain

HH the Amir Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah patronized and attended on Monday the 23rd edition of the HH Sheikh Salem Al-Ali Al-Sabah Informatics Award ceremony at Bayan Palace. HH the Amir was received by the Head of the Award’s Board of Trustees Sheikha Ayda Salem Al-Ali Al-Sabah and other members of the supreme organizing committee. During the ceremony, HH the Amir launched the new edition of the digital index.

Addressing the event, Sheikha Ayda said the Informatics Award takes the responsibility of bridging the technical gap and protecting privacy due to the tremendous breakthrough that digital technology has created. She voiced much appreciation and gratitude to the country’s leaders for their farsightedness, wisdom and fervent efforts for the sake of national development and modernization.

Also speaking during the ceremony on the occasion of winning the prize, Governor of the Central Bank of Bahrain Khaled Humaidan congratulated HH the Amir on assuming office, wishing him success and further development and prosperity for Kuwait. He said the HH Sheikh Salem Al-Ali Al-Sabah Informatics Award is a recognition of the efforts made in the field of digital transformation and that it is an incentive to continue the bank’s journey and adds to its achievements.

Other award winners also commended the event’s contributions to the digital domain. CEO of the National Center for Statistics and Information in Oman Dr Khalifa Al-Barwani expressed to KUNA his gratitude for the honor of receiving the award from HH the Amir. Kuwait Finance House Chairman Hamad Al-Marzouq also expressed his sincere gratitude to HH the Amir for sponsoring this event. He said it was an honor to receive from him the award for digital transformation and financial solutions in the field, as it motivates them to accomplish more achievements in the field of artificial intelligence and robotics.

Founder of Venera Limited Mohammad Al-Kilani, from Palestine, told KUNA Kuwait is a pioneer in the field of digital transformation and informatics in the Arab world and expressed pride in receiving the award from HH the Amir. Founder of My Fatoorah Abdullah Al-Dabbous said he is honored to be with the winners today and noted the company was established in Kuwait, expanding in the region, and ranked among the top 10 companies in financial technology in the Middle East by Forbes magazine.

HH the Amir then handed the awards to the winners and was given a commemorative memento on this occasion. HH the Amir Sheikh Mishal and an accompanying delegation will depart Kuwait on Tuesday for Turkey on a state visit.