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KPI Polyurethane Products


Grade Mix ratio (POLYOL:MDI) Applied density kg/m3 Remarks TDS MSDS
SS 30 100:100 30 – 32 HCFC systems for spray with good insulation and dimensional properties. Confirms to DIN 4102-1 fire class B3 TDS MSDS
SS 35 100:100 35 – 37 TDS MSDS
SS 40 100:100 40 – 42 TDS MSDS
SS 40N 100:100 40 – 42 TDS MSDS
SS 50 100:100 50 – 52 TDS MSDS
SS 55 100:100 55 – 60 TDS MSDS
SS 40F2 100:100 40 – 42 HCFC based spray DIN 4102-1 fire class B2 TDS MSDS
PS 40 100:115 40 – 42 HCFC system for discontinuous panel. Can be used for cavity filling and general insulation purpose by hand mix.DIN 4102-1 B3 fire class. TDS MSDS
PS 45 100:120 44 – 46 TDS MSDS
PS 70 100:115 40 – 42 TDS MSDS
PS 44F2 100:125 44-46 For fire doors, up to 20 minutes fire rated TDS MSDS
PS 70F2 100:115 40 – 42 Discontinuous panel with 141b. DIN 4102-1 B2 fire class TDS MSDS
RS 40 100:130 34 – 36 HCFC system for Refrigerator / freezer TDS MSDS
RS 40CP 100:14(CP):145 34 – 36 Cyclo pentane system for refrigerator / freezer TDS MSDS
PS 20 100:100 24-30 HCFC systems for water TDS MSDS
WH 20 100:100 30-33 Heaters TDS MSDS
PS 30 100:115 40 – 42 Polystyrene beads adhesive by spray for construction TDS MSDS
PS 40NP 100:7.5(n pentane):142 42 – 45 N pentane system for discontinuous panel production TDS MSDS
AS 100 100:150 40 – 42 Water based PU adhesive for styrene board sandwich panels by continuous method TDS MSDS
HD 500 100:100 150 – 160 High density PU for wood imitation TDS MSDS
BS 40 100:100 40 – 42 PUR block and slab stock application TDS MSDS
CPS 40 DIN 4102-1 40 – 42 365mfc/227ea systems for continuous panel. DIN 4102 – 1, B2 & B3 class & up to 5 components available TDS MSDS
CPS40N DIN 4102-1 B2 Class 42  40 CPS40N Pentane System TDS MSDS


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Product Name: KPI Polyurethane Products