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ACICO Group is the leading manufacturers of building materials regionally and takes pride in the production of a wide variety of building materials.

Accredited from major government bodies including the Ministry of Public Works, the Public Authority for Housing Welfare, the Ministry of Electricity & Water and Ministry of Defense in Kuwait and the GCC.

ACICO Group has also allocated a segment of its production lines for government-approved subsidized building materials for private residential clients.

ACICO Group is a full-service, multi-sector construction group, based in Kuwait. With more than 30 years of experience across the region, ACICO established itself as market-leader in the manufacturing of building materials, as well as providing construction and engineering services.

Following a vertically integrated business model, which encompasses six sectors: Industrial, Construction, Cement, Homes, Logistics and Real Estate, delivers bespoke, time-efficient and hassle-free building solutions for residential, industrial, commercial and institutional projects.

ACICO Group is amongst the largest manufacturers of quality building materials in the GCC, including environmentally-friendly aerated concrete, and a wide variety of cement and concrete products, including precast concrete and interlock blocks. As a national Grade-A construction company, listed on Boursa Kuwait and a proud holder of the ISO 9001 certification since 2004, ACICO Group became a trusted partner to all major government authorities, contractors and suppliers.

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