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Al Rawdatain Factory

Al-Rawdatain Water Bottling Company provides variety of products to suit the consumer’s needs, including natural water, flavored water, filtered water, and Carbonated Water with different packaging (100% recyclable PET, glass bottles, and cans)
Al Rawdatain is the leading water Bottling Company in Kuwait.

Al Rawdatain Factory
After the economic studies proved the feasibility of the Al-Rawdatain water bottling project, the Al-Rawdatain Water Bottling Company was established in November 1980 to develop, implement and manage this project. All construction and technical works were completed by the end of 1982, and the company started its activity in marketing Al-Rawdatain mineral water. As of January 1983.

Water bottling is considered one of the modern methods in dealing with the most important element in life, which is water. This phenomenon has become widespread all over the world because of the availability of ensuring the preservation of water purity.

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