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Al Sanea Chemical Products Factory

Chemical Manufacturer – Kuwait’s most trusted company
Approved by the Ministry of Health, Kuwait.

Chemical Manufacturer in Kuwait
Our Story

Chemical Manufacturer in Kuwait – Al Sanea Chemical Products was set up in the year 1977.

We started with an ambition to manufacture chlorinated isocyanurates for the first time in the Gulf, in collaboration with Dien Chemie of West Germany.

Today, we manufacture and supply over one hundred highly efficient and innovative chemicals ranging from industrial cleaners to a wide range of disinfectants, household maintenance chemicals, oil field, water treatment, marine chemical, solvents and thinners. We have products specifically designed to meet the requirements of almost every industry in the country and globally.

From personal use to the needs of fortune 500 companies, our passion is advancing science and innovation to find solutions that make life better and healthier.

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