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Aladasani Plastic Pipes and Fittings Factory

Plastic Pipes & Fittings Factory (PPFF) /Yousif Khalid Al Adasani Est. Established as a specialized plastic producer, with international aspirations, built around a large capacity and technologically advanced PVC, CPVC, PPR, PE and PB pipes and fittings for water and electrical installations, with goals of becoming the leading fabricator supplier, installer, and distributor of pipes and fittings.

PPFF state of the art product line and experience has created a comprehensive solution to satisfy virtually any architectural structural requirements. Deep-rooted regional operational expertise forms the basis for PPFF international expansions namely in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia.

To become a household name as an industrial market leader in construction Plastic Pipes & Fittings through manufacturing, processing, installing and maintaining all kinds of Plastic Pipes & Fittings used in commercial and residential structures.

To establish operations in various countries in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia to better serve local markets, while capitalizing on, and developing, vast and deep-rooted market and industrial knowledge, and expertise.

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