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Century Steel Factory

We are proud to introduce CENTURY STEEL as one of the most prominent stainless steel stockholder providing stainless steel to various industries in the region. We strive to supply of stainless steel sheet, coil, tubes, pipes, fittings and other stainless steel products available in different grades and size specially stocked to meet the local industrial demands. Our investment in stocks enables us to provide a wide range of products for immediate delivery. From the start, our desire for development has led us to seek out new market.

Our advantage lies not only in our extensive inventory, but in our knowledgea- ble sales team. Century Steel employees have extensive product knowledge & are able to assist with your most difficult request.

Remarkable success and sustainable growth of CENTURY STEEL have been achi- eved largely by strong loyalty users who accept nothing less but the best produc- ts and services. Our commitment to remain at the leading tip of the stainless steel industry is the key to assure your market position.

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