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IMKAN Company

IMKAN Company

IMKAN Company (IMKAN) established in 2004 has been developed on a 50 year strategy that was set to achieve sustainability and continues to excel providing leadership in the State of Kuwait committed towards Sustainable Development and working closely to create and deliver comprehensive intelligent Next- Gen Technologies & Environmental Solutions related to Oil & Gas, Energy, Water, Chemical & Petrochemical, Environment Sectors.

IMKAN is developing alternatives for the existing and future environmental problems to enhance the economic growth without comprising on the obligations towards the environment, to meet the present and future requirements in environmentally and socially responsible approach by specializing in investments, industries, technologies, solutions, products, services, education and awareness through IMKAN four divisions: Oil & Gas Division, Petrochemical Division, Energy Division, Environment Division.

We align our business methodologies and practices with competency in environmental performance with Health, Safety and Environmental aspects forming the cornerstone in the way we operate and conduct our business and set high standards of environment protection, IMKAN is Your Eco-Partner® providing complete solutions for your business and use.

IMKAN Company diverse and competent technology innovations, multi-tasked highly skilled professionals and cohesive team & business strategies form the basis of the company. Our multifarious skilled teams with over 45 years of expertise collaborate together with international companies, team & entities in different divisions dedicated to work on various projects.

 Our Mission 

Expand and excel in IMKAN Company Four Divisions for the greatest investments, industries, technologies, products, services, solutions, awareness & education through IMKAN divisions & to maintain sustainable development for a better today and tomorrow and to change the way of conducting business and preserving the natural resource & the environment including health & safety which could be incorporated in all walks of life including a continuous efficiency and conservation assuring leadership on our inherent strength. Your One Stop Eco-Shop®

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