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KRS and OIC organizations ink strategic agreement

Kuwait Relief Society (KRS) signed on Sunday in the Qatari capital, Doha, a strategic cooperation agreement with the humanitarian funds of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). The chairman of the society, Dr. Ibrahim Al-Saleh, said in a statement to KUNA that the agreement aims to set up a platform for joint humanitarian work, strengthen the regional and international presence of both institutions, and create a tangible impact in the areas of humanitarian work and rapid intervention in disasters and crises.

Al-Saleh, who represented the society in inking the agreement, pointed to the necessity of cooperation in humanitarian programs, relief projects, exchanging experience, and sharing knowledge and information between the two institutions in the field of humanitarian work and emergency response. For his part, the Kuwait Relief Society Engineer Jamal Al-Nouri confirmed in a similar statement to KUNA that areas of cooperation will include implementing joint qualitative humanitarian initiatives and jointly joining already existing humanitarian or relief initiatives.

He added that according to the agreement, each party pledges to allocate half a million Qatari riyals (about $137,000) to support the rapid intervention initiative in cases of disasters, crises, and emergencies. Al-Nouri thanked the Kuwaiti Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry’s Development Affairs and International Cooperation Sector for approval.