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Kuwait and Jordan charities agree to boost aid to Gaza

 Kuwait Red Crescent Society (KRCS) has concluded a cooperative agreement with the Jordanian National Red Crescent Society (JNRCS) and the Jordanian Hashemite Charitable Organization to deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza. Speaking to KUNA on this occasion, Kuwaiti Ambassador Amman Hammad Al-Marri said the signing of the deal is part of Kuwaiti-Jordanian cooperation aiming at helping the population of Gaza, which has been launched since the Zionist occupation aggression on the enclave.

He added that both countries’ political leaderships attach much attention to relief and humanitarian action with a view to supporting Palestinians in Gaza amid grave human rights violations committed by Zionist occupation forces. He noted that Kuwait has launched an airlift to help Gazans at the behest of Jordanian King Abdullah II, in parallel with the Gulf country’s air bridge via Egypt’s Al-Arish International Airport. For his part, Secretary-General of the Jordanian Hashemite Charitable Organization, Dr. Hussein Al-Shibli, said that the deal reflects a joint action mechanism to help the population of Gaza in various domains, mainly relief, food, and medical ones.

Speaking to KUNA, he highly commended the cooperation between the KRCS and JNRCS as being “sustainable and permanent,” noting that this agreement aims at bolstering and maintaining joint cooperation and exerting more efforts to deliver aid to the Palestinian territory. For his part, Director-General of the KRCS Abdulrahman Al-Oun said in a statement to KUNA that the agreement is meant to promote bilateral cooperation and to meet the directives of the political leadership to help the Palestinian people.

He reiterated his society’s interest in increasing humanitarian and relief aid to the population of Gaza through crossing points and airdropping. JNRCS Chairman Mohammad Al-Hadid told KUNA that the trilateral deal reflects societal partnership and is intended to boost humanitarian aid to the Palestinian people.

KRCS distributes food baskets

In another development, the Kuwait Red Crescent Society (KRCS) began distributing Ramadan food baskets to Lebanese families and Syrian and Palestinian refugee families in Lebanon to mark the holy month of Ramadan. Relief Coordinator at the Lebanese Red Cross (LRC), Yousef Boutros, told KUNA that the distribution is in collaboration with the LRC and covers areas such as Zahle in eastern Lebanon, Arsal in the northeast, and Akkar in the north, spanning 10 days to reach as many families as possible.

The baskets contain essentials and various food items to support families during the holy month, aiming to alleviate some of the economic burdens they face, he pointed out. This initiative is seen as a generous gesture filled with humanitarian values, enhancing a sense of brotherhood and solidarity among Arabs, especially amidst the ongoing challenges in the region, he noted.

He underscored that these Ramadan baskets also provide support to Lebanese families as well as Syrian and Palestinian refugees who struggle with limited resources to meet their living expenses. On his side, Lebanese citizen Salem Abu Akr from Zahle expressed gratitude to Kuwait and its people, as well as KRCS, for their continuous care for Lebanese people and refugees in Lebanon, particularly during Ramadan.