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Kuwait, Belgium share similar views: Envoy

Kuwaiti Ambassador to Belgium Nawaf Al-Enezi said Kuwait and Belgium share similar views on human rights, democracy, and humanitarian aid. The remarks came during an Iftar banquet the ambassador held late Friday in the honor of Belgian Foreign Minister Hadja Lahbib, with the presence of senior European, UN, and Arab officials.

This year marks 60 years of Kuwaiti-Belgian diplomatic relations, Ambassador Al-Enezi, who also chairs Kuwait’s missions to the European Union (UN) and NATO, said in a statement to KUNA, noting that Kuwait deeply appreciates Belgium’s role in liberating Kuwait from the Iraqi invasion.

Meanwhile, the Kuwaiti diplomat underlined Belgium’s role in supporting Palestinians, as the country succeeded in issuing a resolution on ceasefire and allowing the delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza as part of the country’s current presidency of the European Council.