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Kuwait, Oman discuss education, research

The Undersecretary of Kuwait’s Ministry of Higher Education, Lamia Al-Melhem, discussed with the Omani Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research, and Innovation, Dr Rahma Al-Mahruqiya, ways to enhance joint cooperation and exchange experiences in the field of higher education and scientific research.

Al-Melhem said in a press statement on Monday that this visit came under direct directives from the Minister of Education and the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr Adel Al-Adwani, on the importance of enhancing joint cooperation between the two countries in the field of higher education and scientific research and the exchange of experiences and knowledge to support and develop academic institutions and build strategic partnerships that benefit students and researchers.

The visit comes within the framework of cooperation with the ministries and institutions of higher education in the GCC countries and within the efforts of the Ministry of Education in the exchange of experiences in common fields. During the visit, they discussed ways to enhance academic cooperation and develop cultural and student exchange between the two brotherly countries.