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White Ordinary Portland Cement

White Ordinary Portland Cement

It is used in some concert mixtures used in casting white walls and ceilings, which gives aesthetic and artistic touches to the exterior facades of the buildings. It is also […]

Sulphate Resistant Cement

Sulphate Resistant Cement

This cement has low C3A content so as to avoid sulphate attack from outside the concrete. This is the ideal cement when there is a need to resist sulphate salts […]

Ordinary Portland Cement

Ordinary Portland Cement

This cement type is the mostly used in construction works. It is used in the concrete mixtures for casting ceilings, walls, concrete columns and floors for buildings and installations. It […]

Crude Glycerin

Crude Glycerin

Whilst biodiesel is the main product manufactured by Imdad, the process generates other products which all have uses. Crude Glycerin is a by-product of the Biodiesel production process. Glycerin can […]



We offer a range of sustainable biofuels that includes pure form of Biodiesel B-100 which can be blended to produce other grades such as B-5, etc. suitable for use in […]



Products Products Range Applications Glassber Rreinforced Diameters 4000-80 mm, Water Distribution and Polyester (GRP) Pipes, Standard Lengths Transmission Sanitary Fittings, Manholes, 12-6m, Sewage Collection & Manhole Liners and Pressures up […]

Winning Combnaition

Winning Combnaition

• One of the world’s largest pipe nmanufacturers • World leader in respect of different pipe technologies • A wider range of pipe solutions than any other manufacturer • Specialist […]



Products Products Range Applications Glassber Rreinforced Diameters 1000-25 mm, Industrial Epoxy (GRE) Pipes & Pressures up to 120-10 Oil eld Production Fittings(AMIPOX) bar, Temp. up to 150 C Service Stations […]

Ductile Iron (SADIP)

Ductile Iron (SADIP)

Products Products Range Applications Ductile Iron Pipes & Diameters 1000-100 mm Irrigation Fittings (SADIP) Fitting up to Diameters 2000 Forced Sewer Lines Water Systems Natural Gas Lines High Temp. Liquid […]

Pre- Insulated Pipes & Fittings

Pre- Insulated Pipes & Fittings

Products Products Range Applications Pre- Insulated Pipes & Diameters 3000-25 mm, Cooling/Heating Fittings GRP, GRE, DI, PE, Steel & District Cool/Heating DI carrier pipes with Chilled Water Transmission polyurethane insulation […]