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Spain’s envoy praised for ‘outstanding role’

Sheikh Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Abdullah Al-Sabah has lauded the efforts of Spain’s Ambassador to Kuwait Miguel Moro Aguilar and his outstanding role in strengthening Kuwaiti-Spanish relations and fostering friendship between the two countries during his tenure. In appreciation of his diligent diplomatic work and contributions in the field of sports, Sheikh Ahmad Al-Jaber presented the Ambassador with a memento on the occasion of the end of his tenure as Ambassador of Spain to Kuwait.

He thanked Ambassador Aguilar for his keenness on strengthening cooperation between the two friendly countries, adding that the ambassador spent a highly remarkable period that witnessed a notable improvement in Kuwaiti–Spanish relations in various sectors, including sports as he paid special attention to the game of tennis. Sheikh Ahmad Al-Jaber concluded by expressing his pride in his friendly relations with Ambassador Miguel Moro Aguilar and wished him success in his future endeavors.




Kuwait Times