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Machine Shop Precision

Our machine shop is equipped with precision machinery for fabrication work Our machine shop is equipped with its precision machinery mainly operates as support for fabrication shop, providing necessary services […]

Water Jet Cutting

Our specialization in precise computer controlled cutting of vast range materials Waterjets machine cutting is a cold cutting process and therefore is ideal for automotive, medical and aerospace application where […]

Stainless Steel Works

High quality custom and standard stainless steel products We have a reputation for High quality custom and standard stainless steel products for residential and commercial use.

سفرة طعام

المواد الأساسية: virgin craft .الإستخدامات: يحمي طاولة الطعام من الأوساخ والملوثات بالطريقة الأكثر أناقة المقاسات المعيارية : العرض 5سم ≥ 100سم الطول 1سم ≥ 100سم اللون: أبيض بلد المنشأ: الكويت […]