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Austrian President awards Kuwaiti Ambassador Golden Star

President of Austria, Alexander Van der Bellen, awarded the “Grobes Goldenes Ehrenzeichen” Decoration with the Golden Star to Ambassador Sadiq Marafi, Kuwait’s Assistant Foreign Minister for European Affairs, in recognition […]

GCC celebrates 43rd anniversary

 The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) has a rich history of strategic cooperation, said Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdullah Al-Yahya, as the bloc celebrated 43 years since its establishment on Saturday. […]

Iran Embassy opens condolence register

 The Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran has opened a three-day condolence book on Tuesday to honor the Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, Foreign Minister Amir-Abdollahian, and other members of […]

Nationality law petition rejected

The constitutional court on Tuesday rejected a petition challenging the rights of children of naturalized Kuwaitis to run in parliamentary polls. The petition had argued that a law issued in […]